E-Filing Registration Form for Representatives

Legal Form NumberE-1
CourtUnited States Court of Appeals For Veterans Claims
SectionCourt of Appeals for Veteran Claims
E-Filing Registration Form For Representatives
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
625 Indiana Ave., NW Suite 900
Washington, DC 20004
202-418-HELP (3453)
Attn: Clerk of the Court
efiling@uscourts.cav c.gov
This form is used to register for a valid user name and password that will allow
registrants to electronically file on the Court's Electronic Case Filing System.
The form must be saved as a PDF file, filled out, and then submitted via e-mail to:
All form fields are mandatory and must include the registrant's electronic signature.
This court recognizes the following format for electronic signature:
/s/ Typed Registrant's Name
NOTE: Each registrant must complete the training before submitting this form. By
submitting the form, the registrant is certifying that the training has been completed
as required.
REMINDER: All CM/ECF Users must keep their email address updated with the
Court to receive electronic docket notices (service).

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