Instructions for Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons
Issuer | Treasury Department |
Section | Treasury Department |
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Instructions for Form 1042
Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless
otherwise noted.
Future Developments
For the latest information about developments related to Form
1042 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they
were published, go to
What’s New
Section 1446(f) withholding. Starting for tax year 2023, a
withholding agent that is a broker for the transfer of a publicly
traded partnership interest is required to withhold tax under
section 1446(f) and report the withholding on Form 1042.
Electronic filing. New electronic filing requirements apply to
Form 1042 beginning for tax year 2023 (Forms 1042 filed in
2024). For general information about electronic filing, see Pub.
4163, Modernized e-file Information for Authorized IRS e-file
Providers for Business Returns. Also see Where and When To
File, later, for more information on the electronic filing
requirements for Form 1042.
Revised QI Agreement and QDD reporting. The qualified
intermediary (QI) agreement in Rev. Proc. 2017-15, 2017-3
I.R.B. 437, expired December 31, 2022, and the QI Agreement in
Rev. Proc. 2022-43, 2022-52 I.R.B. 570, applies beginning
January 1, 2023. Under the QI Agreement, any QI that was a
QDD (as defined later) or had a QDD branch during the tax year,
including a QI that was a partnership, must complete
Schedule(s) Q (Form 1042).
Reliance on proposed regulations reducing burden under
FATCA and chapter 3. On December 18, 2018, the IRS and
the Department of the Treasury issued proposed regulations (83
FR 64757) to reduce the burden on taxpayers of certain
requirements under chapters 3 and 4 of the Internal Revenue
Code. The proposed regulations provide that, under section
7805(b)(1)(C), taxpayers may generally rely on the proposed
regulations until final regulations are issued. Specifically, for
purposes of these instructions, a withholding agent may rely on
the following provisions of these proposed regulations in
connection with completing Form 1042.
•Withholding and reporting in a subsequent year. A
partnership or trust that is permitted to withhold in a subsequent
year with respect to a foreign partner's or beneficiary's share of
income for the prior year may designate the deposit of the
withholding as attributable to the preceding year and report the
associated amounts on Forms 1042 and 1042-S for the
preceding year. See Foreign partners of U.S. partnerships and
foreign beneficiaries of U.S. trusts, later.
•Adjustments to overwithholding under the
reimbursement and set-off procedures. A withholding agent
may make adjustments to overwithholding using either the
reimbursement or set-off procedure until the extended due date
for filing Form 1042-S (unless the Form 1042-S has already been
filed or furnished). Additionally, a withholding agent may use the
extended due date for filing a Form 1042 to claim a credit for any
adjustments made to overwithholding.
Centralized partnership audit regime. Section 1101 of the
Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2015 repealed the TEFRA
partnership procedures and the electing large partnership (ELP)
provisions and replaced them with a new centralized partnership
audit regime effective for partnership tax years beginning on or
after January 1, 2018. The new regime provides for
determination, assessment, and collection of underpayments at
the partnership level unless certain elections are made by the
partnership. Under these rules, a partnership (or a pass-through
partner) may be required to withhold under chapter 3 or
chapter 4 when there has been an adjustment under the
centralized partnership audit regime to an item of income or gain
allocable to a foreign person (or any other person subject to
withholding). If the adjustment is to an amount subject to
withholding that is reportable on Form 1042, the partnership (or
pass-through partner) should report the withholding on Form
1042 for the year in which it pays the tax required to be withheld.
See section 6241(9).
Qualified derivatives dealers (QDDs). A withholding agent
that is a QI acting as a QDD must assume certain withholding
and reporting responsibilities with respect to payments made on
potential section 871(m) transactions in its QDD capacity. Form
1042 includes Section 4, which a QI that is a QDD (or has a
branch that is a QDD) must complete if it made any payments in
its QDD capacity that are reportable on this form. For more
information on the withholding and reporting requirements of a
QDD, see the QI Agreement in Rev. Proc 2022-43, 2022-52
I.R.B. 570, available at
PROC-2022-43. See also section 871(m) and Notice 2022-37,
2022-37 I.R.B. 234, available at
These instructions provide guidance to QDDs regarding the
proper withholding agent status code to use when filing Form
1042 (and Form 1042-S). See Chapter 3 and 4 status codes of
withholding agent, later.
Potential 871(m) transactions. Section 3 of Form 1042
applies to payments made by a withholding agent under any
potential section 871(m) transaction (rather than just payments
made under notional principal contracts or other derivatives
contracts that reference a U.S. stock or underlying security). Any
withholding agent making such a payment must complete
Section 3.
Section 871(m) transition. On September 12, 2022, Notice
2022-37 was published announcing the Department of the
Treasury and the IRS intention to amend the section 871(m)
regulations to further delay the effective/applicability date of
certain rules in those final regulations and certain requirements
of a QDD.
Schedule Q (Form 1042). If the taxpayer, or any branch of the
taxpayer, is a QDD, the taxpayer must attach to Form 1042 a
Schedule Q (Form 1042), Tax Liability of Qualified Derivatives
Dealer (QDD), for each QDD. Schedule Q (Form 1042) replaces
the previous requirement to attach a statement to the Form 1042
to provide information regarding a QDD's tax liability.
Chapter 3 and 4 status codes. The chapter 3 and 4 status
codes of withholding agents are required regardless of the types
of payments reported on this form.
Oct 27, 2023 Cat. No. 54843T
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