General Instructions for Certain Information Returns (Forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G)
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General Instructions for
Certain Information Returns
(Forms 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code
unless otherwise noted.
Contents Page
What’s New ............................... 1
Future Developments ........................ 1
Reminders ................................ 1
Items You Should Note ....................... 2
Guide to Information Returns ................... 2
A. Who Must File ........................... 2
B. Other Information Returns ................... 6
C. When To File ............................ 6
D. Where To File ............................ 7
E. Filing Returns With the IRS .................. 7
F. Electronic Reporting ....................... 8
G. Paper Document Reporting .................. 9
H. Corrected Returns on Paper Forms ........... 10
I. Void Returns ............................ 11
J. Recipient Names and Taxpayer Identification
Numbers (TINs) ........................ 13
K. Filer's Name, Taxpayer Identification Number
(TIN), and Address ...................... 14
L. Account Number Box on Forms .............. 14
M. Statements to Recipients (Beneficiaries,
Borrowers, Debtors, Donors, Employees,
Insureds, Participants, Payment or Credit
Recipients, Payers, Policyholders, Sellers,
Shareholders, Students, Transferors, or
Winners on Certain Forms) ................ 15
N. Backup Withholding ...................... 18
O. Penalties .............................. 19
P. Payments to Corporations and Partnerships ..... 21
Q. Earnings on Any IRA, Coverdell ESA, ABLE
Account, Archer MSA, or HSA .............. 21
R. Certain Grantor Trusts ..................... 21
S. Special Rules for Reporting Payments Made
Through Foreign Intermediaries and Foreign
Flow-Through Entities on Form 1099 ......... 21
T. How To Get Tax Help ...................... 23
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice ... 24
Guide to Information Returns ................. 26
Index ................................... 31
What’s New
E-filing returns. The Taxpayer First Act of 2019
authorized the Department of the Treasury and the IRS to
issue regulations that reduce the 250-return e-file
threshold. T.D. 9972, published February 23, 2023,
lowered the e-file threshold to 10 (calculated by
aggregating all information returns), effective for
information returns required to be filed on or after January
1, 2024. Go to for e-file options.
Future Developments
For the latest information about developments related to
the General Instructions for Certain Information Returns
after they were published, go to General Instructions for
Certain Information Returns at
Information Reporting Intake System (IRIS). The IRS
has developed IRIS, an online portal that allows taxpayers
to electronically file (e-file) information returns after
December 31, 2022, for 2022 and later tax years. IRIS is a
free service. See part F or go to for
additional information and updates.
Where to send extension of time to furnish state-
ments to recipients. An extension of time to furnish the
statements is now a fax-only submission. See Extension
of time to furnish statements to recipients, later, for more
Due date for certain statements sent to recipients.
The due date for furnishing statements to recipients for
Forms 1099-B, 1099-S, and 1099-MISC (if amounts are
reported in boxes 8 or 10) is February 17, 2025. This also
applies to statements furnished as part of a consolidated
reporting statement. See the Guide to Information Returns
for due dates for all returns.
E-file. E-filers are reminded that using the FIRE System
requires following the specifications contained in Pub.
1220. IRIS users should follow the specifications in Pub.
5717, IRIS Taxpayer Portal User Guide. Also, the IRS
does not provide a fill-in form option for most forms
required to be filed with the IRS covered by these
instructions; however, see Online fillable forms in part E,
later. See part F for information on e-file.
Online fillable forms Copies 1, B, 2, C, and D. Copies
1, B, 2, C, and D, as applicable, to be furnished to
recipients and kept in filers’ records, have been made
fillable online at for many forms referenced in
these instructions. See the separate instructions for Forms
1098, 1098-E&T, 1098-F, 1098-Q, 1099-A&C, 1099-B,
1099-DIV, 1099-G, 1099-INT&OID, 1099-K, 1099-LS,
1099-MISC&NEC, 1099-PATR, 1099-R&5498, 1099-S,
1099-SB, and 3921.
Payee. Throughout these instructions, the term “payee”
means the person with respect to whom Forms 1097,
1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, or W-2G are required to be
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filed, including beneficiaries, borrowers, debtors, donors,
employees, insureds, participants, payment or credit
recipients, policyholders, sellers, shareholders, students,
transferors, and winners.
Items You Should Note
Photographs of Missing Children
The Internal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children®
(NCMEC). Photographs of missing children selected by
the Center may appear in instructions on pages that would
otherwise be blank. You can help bring these children
home by looking at the photographs and calling
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a
Available Instructions
In addition to these general instructions, which contain
general information concerning Forms 1096, 1097, 1098,
1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G, we provide specific
form instructions separately. Get the instructions you need
for completing a specific form from the following list of
separate instructions.
•Instructions for Form 1097-BTC.
•Instructions for Form 1098.
•Instructions for Form 1098-C.
•Instructions for Forms 1098-E and 1098-T.
•Instructions for Form 1098-F.
•Instructions for Form 1098-Q.
•Instructions for Forms 1099-A and 1099-C.
•Instructions for Form 1099-B.
•Instructions for Form 1099-CAP.
•Instructions for Form 1099-DIV.
•Instructions for Form 1099-G.
•Instructions for Form 1099-H.
•Instructions for Forms 1099-INT and 1099-OID.
•Instructions for Form 1099-K.
•Instructions for Form 1099-LS.
•Instructions for Form 1099-LTC.
•Instructions for Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC.
•Instructions for Form 1099-PATR.
•Instructions for Form 1099-Q.
•Instructions for Forms 1099-QA and 5498-QA.
•Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498.
•Instructions for Form 1099-S.
•Instructions for Forms 1099-SA and 5498-SA.
•Instructions for Form 1099-SB.
•Instructions for Forms 3921 and 3922.
•Instructions for Form 5498-ESA.
•Instructions for Forms W-2G and 5754.
You can also obtain the latest developments for each of
the forms and instructions listed here by visiting their
information pages at See the separate
instructions for each form on the webpage via the link.
See How To Get Forms, Publications, and Other
Assistance, later.
Guide to Information Returns
See the chart, later, for a brief summary of information
return reporting rules.
Use Form 1096 To Send Paper Forms to the IRS
You must send Copies A of all paper Forms 1097, 1098,
1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G to the IRS with Form
1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S.
Information Returns. Instructions for completing Form
1096 are contained on Form 1096. Also see part E.
Reporting Backup Withholding on Forms 1099
and W-2G
If you backup withhold on a payment, you must file the
appropriate Form 1099 or Form W-2G with the IRS and
furnish a statement to the recipient to report the amount of
the payment and the amount withheld. This applies even
though the amount of the payment may be below the
normal threshold for filing Form 1099 or Form W-2G. For
how to report backup withholding, see part N.
Substitute Statements to Recipients
If you are using a substitute form to furnish information
statements to recipients (generally Copy B), be sure your
substitute statements comply with the rules in Pub. 1179.
Pub. 1179, which is revised annually, explains the
requirements for format and content of substitute
statements to recipients. See part M for additional
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Matching
TIN Matching allows a payer or authorized agent who is
required to file Forms 1099-B, DIV, G, INT, K, MISC, NEC,
OID, and/or PATR, which report income subject to backup
withholding, to match TIN and name combinations with
IRS records before submitting the forms to the IRS. TIN
Matching is one of the e-services products that is offered
and is accessible through the IRS website. For program
guidelines, see Pub. 2108-A, or go to and enter
keyword “TIN Matching” in the upper right corner. It is
anticipated that payers who validate the TIN and name
combinations before filing information returns will receive
fewer backup withholding (CP2100) notices and penalty
notices. E-services technical support is available by
calling 866-255-0654.
A. Who Must File
See the separate specific instructions for each form.
Nominee/middleman returns. Generally, if you receive
a Form 1099 for amounts that actually belong to another
person, you are considered a nominee recipient. You must
file a Form 1099 with the IRS (the same type of Form 1099
you received) for each of the other owners showing the
amounts allocable to each. You must also furnish a Form
1099 to each of the other owners. File the new Form 1099
with Form 1096 with the IRS Submission Processing
Center for your area. On each new Form 1099, list yourself
as the “payer” and the other owner as the “recipient.” On
Form 1096, list yourself as the “Filer.” A spouse is not
required to file a nominee return to show amounts owned
by the other spouse. The nominee, not the original payer,
is responsible for filing the subsequent Forms 1099 to
show the amount allocable to each owner.
Successor/predecessor reporting. A successor
business entity (a corporation, partnership, or sole
2Gen. Instr. for Certain Info. Returns (2024)
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