Certificate on Return of Deposition

Legal Form Number16
SectionTax Court
CourtU.S. Tax Court
WA SHI NG TON , DC 20 217
Docket No.
To the United States Tax Court:
I, , t he person named in an order of this Cour t dated
, to take depositions in this case, hereby certify:
1. I proceeded, on , at the of fice of , at
, at o’clock .m., under the s aid order
Ro om nu mber, street numbe r, stre et nam e, cit y and State
and in the presence of and ,
the counsel of the respective part ies, to take the following depositions, viz:
, a witness pro duced
on behalf of the ;
Pet itioner or R espon dent
, a witness pro duced
on behalf of the ;
Pet itioner or R espon dent
, a witness produc ed
on behalf of the .
Pet itioner or R espon dent
2. Each witness was examined under oath at such times and places as conditions of adj ournment required, and
the testimony of each witness (or each wi tness’s answers to the question s filed) was recorded or otherwise
reported and reduced to writing by me or under my direction.
3. After the said testimony of each witne ss was reduced to writing, the transcript of the testimony was read
and signed by the witness and was acknowledged by the witnes s to be the witness’s testimony, in all resp ects only
and correctly transcribed except as ot herwise stated.
4. All exhibits introduced during the deposition are transmitted herewit h, except to the following extent
agreed to by the parties or directed by the Co urt [state disposition of exhi bits if not transmitted with the
5. This deposition taken on written questions pursuant to Rule 84 of the Rules of Practice and
was or was not
Procedure of the United States T ax Court. All such written questions ar e annexed to the deposition.
6. After the signing of the deposition, no al terations or changes were made therein.
7. I am not a relative or employee or counsel of any party, or a relative or employee or associate of such
counsel, nor am I financially interested in t he action.
Sign ature of per son ta king d eposi tion
Offi cial ti tle
NO TE— This f orm, w hen p roper ly exec uted, shoul d be a ttache d to a nd bo und w ith the trans cript p reced ing th e first page
ther eof. I t shou ld the n be d eliver ed to the pa rty tak ing th e dep ositio n or su ch pa rty’s co unsel .
T.C . Form 16 ( 08/12 )
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